Major Arcana print +
- 883 eyeballs
Missing a white bordered Death in the lineup here above, but that’s okay.
I printed 2 sets (with alt backs) of my major arcana. Strength(alt) has overly crushed levels written all over it (hahahahahahaha), to be fair the file looks great. The darks look blob-y. Horrible. Well, yeah, I did cheat.
Color is a leeeetle bit off by memory, but overall it looks pretty sexy! Paper is thinner than I hoped.
Curved angles are a pain.
I feel like printing half-sized mini’s, might be able to fit em all on one sheet if the print shop can print to the corners. If not, I should be able to print at least 24 comfortably on a single sheet of A3.
Speaking of tarot cards, I peeled a new Moleskine for minor arcana. Yay~ Might as well finish the deck.