wa u lookin at
- 363 eyeballs
Somehow I always seem to forget the sense of regret (occurring 5 min in) from drawing famous paintings. Why do I jump in the same hole? This is a lose-lose situation man.
I have yet to think of a correct label for these drawings, somewhere between imitation without the negative connotation and tribute with a lesser praise.
To clarify the lose-lose part – Imitation-tribute pics should be similar enough to be recognized yet the more similar they are the more they get compared to the original. Put it side by side and all the flaws and errors pop up, it’s like those “can you spot the differences?” pictures. Even if miraculously the copy looks exactly like the original… yeah so what? Pat on the back, you good at copying, a million other people are too, and oh hey just a FYI there’s a tool called Photoshop.
Doomed either way.
Last drawing of this kind? Of course not. :D
Girl with a Pearl Earring (Johannes Vermeer)
Scan – 0.3H PLATINUM MSL-100 mechanical pencil + Watercolor on Moleskine Watercolor Pocket