- 443 eyeballs
Wee new stuff. :D
Other people like to shop for clothes and shoes, art supplies are my (second) weakness. Nowadays ordering stuff online is probably cheaper and more convenient, but it takes away the fun in circling aisles and picking out crap that I’d normally never buy (and probably never use, hahahaha). Speaking of which I found a blue Micron Pigma 05. Amazing. Never seen any other colored ones. I wonder how old this is, still has ink, fine with me. Poopie color stuff, check. Second attempt at a black paged book, I don’t remember using the first one though, stashed in storage somewhere.
Using water on this was pretty much pointless… slightly… maybe…
Photo (Samsung A5) – CARAN d’ACHE supracolor II Soft WHITE watercolor pencil (I think…) + Aquash on Black Pad (~A5)