Don’t you see. +
- 333 eyeballs
Er… so the first pic fuzzed when the second coat of water went on, so much for being “not bad.” Fuzz watercolor paper is bad.
Just for comparison, I drew something spontaneously on the correct side of a leftover scrap. It WAS a bear at first, whoops.
Turned out super nice, if I ignore the texture. Just can’t expect to have everything.
Tilting makes a huge difference while eyeballing. Pretty cool. Texture does show on the scan slightly which is disappointing if I have to crush the shadows out.
Photo (Samsung A5) – [Left] DELETER NEOPIKO-Line-3 Sepia 003 + Watercolor on back side of Canson 4x7cm / [Right] Watercolor on Canson 2.7x7cm