dreamt i dug up my 10+ year old portfolio/thesis that was a ripoff modded early 2000’s CG RPG game (not even close)
- 161 eyeballs
Anyway… first choice had a 50/50 chance of killing off the main character and ending the game. HAHAHAHA totally something I’d do.
Graphics sucked, probably only had one main scene but the lines planned out on a chalkboard(why?) kinda like Bandersnatch.
2/10, to be fair though… if this were in my portfolio 99% I’d get accepted into any BFA program with this garbage hahahaha. I don’t even think I have all those skills now…. well maybe.
Those babies models/prototypes were a lot cooler, motion graphics in actual 3D models, don’t remember what they were though. Shame.
Photo – DELETER NEOPIKO-Line-3 Grey 005 + Watercolor on Moleskine Watercolour Album Large Art Plus