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most seasoned pro still uses the most basic spell
took 20 minutes to find a delivery guy, gave him my coke, he buffered a bit
smells nice
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did someone punch me in face while I was sleeping, why is my jaw all fucked up
I’m mesmerized by bright blue ink but ya know what’s the best for drawing… poop. it’s poop color
ramen place changed the egg back, yay, also early bird gets a mini cow
ink came, damn it it soooo smol, also damn you internet stranger that said it looks like christmas ornaments, cannot unsee now, where my mana pot?
searched the place I used to intern at, when I left it was at the peak(?) of the drama
time of the year when the sun gets off work before I do always makes me depressed
it’s been what 3 weeks since launch, I’m still stuck at 72 lol and that was like… half a day of questing
new indian flex pen kinda nice tbh, doesn’t smell, got the wrong color but whatever I don’t like the lamy skin anyway
was egging friend to buy ink, how did I… add to cart
fine. i’ll bak
music stopped, can’t find media, whole drive disappeared
ya know if I was born a rich, fat, white dude I’d prob be a republican, but I’m not so… here’s my fake cat
woah no, I didn’t ask you demonstrate, why is internet so slow today
I like tracking packages, same vein as watching a jpg download decades ago lol
2nd monitor keeps playing hide and seek… it would be a lot less infuriating if it played by itself instead of connecting/disconnecting
oh hmm, might have cut the last 2 albums from the previous playlist, that actually makes so much more sense
wtf… new revelation on my memory loss I don’t remember when I brainwashed myself with linkin park, dude how do I know all these songs
my ramen place changed the egg to bomb-ball flavor, my day is ruined and my heart is shattered
blue shoes? GIMME
well… didn’t come out unscathed… hope it doesn’t smell
got called a bad friend… I may have nudged him a bit and recommended some ink and some pen and some paper and converters and syringe
omg haaalp, the irony is way too strong on this lol XDDDD
no good offers for my neon glormys, guess you guys are stuck with me now
meh. so far not fun
akuhshually it’s more so I am not prepared to be sucked into the grind
no motivation to level, tend farm + AH, log out
LINE withdrawal, not that I have any friends…
kids these days don’t know how good it feels to finally find that song on the radio with no internet
the fuck… did I really get a sunburn by walking in the sun for 10 minutes… holy fucking shit
eh don’t need the ketchup gear
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